The District Hildesheim, where the foundation is located, is characterised by major intensively farmed cropland. Forest areas are often isolated from each other.
Through creation of corridors between the valuable habitats the species exchange from biotop to biotop is promoted.
Corridors can be hedges, yet ideal wide riparian zones without agricultural use with location-specific vegetation.
Wetlands and wooded islands in the species-poor „agricultural steppe“ are valuable stepping stones for the dissemination of endangered animals, plants and fungi. Especially valuable for people and nature are classic elements of the cultural landscape like fruit tree gardens in the village periphery.
The Foundation finances lease and purchase, preservation and restoration of corresponding biotops.
Loss of valuable habitat is not an isolated problem to Germany and Western Europe.
By excessive use, destruction and pollution many valuable habitats for humans, animals and plants are lost day by day.
Especially tropical habitats are often extremely productive and rich of biodiversity. The protection of tropical forests is essential for humanity.
They often prevent flooding and soil erosion, have a balancing effect on the water circuit in their region. Many plants are a treasury for medicial purpose.
The conservation of biological diversity of tropical forests is extremely important and should be a goal for the whole world.
Biotope protection in the district of Hildesheimextensive livestock farming in a structured, north German landscapeStructural track by Ratzeburg with hedges and herbal strips, habitat e.g. for hares, deer, ermine, songbirds and numerous insects
Rapeseed oil as a substitute for chemical raw materials on a petrochemical basis
The human influence on global warming has increased exponentially since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. The quantity of the greenhouse gas „carbon dioxide“ in the atmosphere has risen by human impact by 50 % in the last 150 years.
Increasing hot summers in temperate zones, more frequent hurricanes, floods, rapidly melting glaciers are more than alarms.
Contributions for research and greater use of renewable energy and resource efficient use of material show steps in a direction in which the use of energy and chemical products is not associated with unnecessary pollution.
The Foundation supports scientists and engineers who are conducting research on this topic.
Help for education and medical care using the example of Ashwini (right)
It would be a dream, if all people are born with the same chances for education and grow up in good health and savety.
The sad reality is that over a billion people are living in poverty.
Especially in poor communities children are born who are not on the sunny side of life. External aid is often the only hope to create equal chances for development of these children.
Currently, the world population is growing by about 80 million people per year, for comparisation: This is the total population of Germany.
For example, through sponsorships for children in institutions, whose budget cannot cover healthcare and school fees, can be helped effectively.
Preservation of cultural property: Example - North German thatched-roof house "with Uhlenflucht"Renovation of the church Pasym, Masuria (Poland) with Hanna Piepho
The term „sustainability“ is used generally to natural cycles.
It can be also be applied to the preservation of cultural goods (for example old churches) whose maintenance and preservation especially in times of tight budgets cannot be ensured in an appropriate manner.
Therefore, the Foundation will also support protection of historical buildings and monuments as part of our cultural heritage