ISO-ELEKTRA Heinrich Piepho Foundation

1) The foundation bears the name of ISO-ELEKTRA Heinrich Piepho Foundation.
2) It is a foundation under civil law, based in Eime, Germany.
3) The Foundation was established on 01.12.2005.
4) The Foundation is politically, racially and religiously neutral.
Purpose of the foundation:
Nature conservation
The main objective of the ISO-ELEKTRA Heinrich Piepho Foundation is the preservation and restoration of the environment in which man can sustainably live and survive.
Essential for sustainability are living conditions that do not overwhelm the regenerative capacity of livelihoods such as clean air, clean water and clean soil.
The Foundation should support projects to obtain a healthy, natural environment and where possible to recover.
The purpose is achieved in particular by:
Habitat protection, for example, protection and recovery of species-rich habitats by purchase or lease of suitable land and habitat management
Technical environmental protection to reduce air, water and soil pollution, for example, promoting the use of renewable resources. (Promotion of scientists or pilot projects)
protection of historical buildings and monuments
Within the meaning of sustainability the preservation of cultural heritage by protection of historical buildings and monuments is an aim of this foundation
Social support
Another purpose of the foundation is the creation of decent living conditions for people in crisis situations.
Support of children, youth and adults with the objective of integration / reintegration into society should be given.
Persons in need of care can be:
– Children from the poorest
– Disabled person
– Adults in life crises
– Communities who are unable to improve their live on their own
Projects and nonprofit institutions working in Germany and abroad can be supported within the meaning of the Foundation.
1. The Foundation pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes
2. The Foundation’s funds may only be used for statutory purposes.
The board members do not receive allowances and profit shares by the Foundation.
The Foundation works on non-profit basis
1. The assets of the foundation are EUR 500,000.00(five hundred thousand) in 2006.It can be increased by donations of the founder or third parties.
2. The Foundation’s assets should be preserved undiminished in its inventory. Asset reallocations are permitted, the principle of preservation has to be realised.
3. The finacial profits and donations have to be used to fulfill the foundation’s purposes.
4. A maximum of one third of the profits may be used to support the family members of the Foundation founder.
5. Earnings are
– invested in own projects of the ISO-ELEKTRA Foundation
– transmitted to other non-profit organisations
– directly used to promote / use of applications that meet the criteria of
ISO-ELEKTRA Heinrich Piepho Foundation – constitution
Financial year is the calendar year.
1. Organ of the foundation is the managing committee. It consists of at least 3 people.
2. Another body of the Foundation is the consultative committee.
3. The activities of the Foundation Board – and Trustees is honorary.
Payment of expenditures is allowed.
§7 – 11: (see German version)
Projects can be promoted if:
– The Board agrees that the project is unselfish and meets the foundation’s purpose.
– Habitat protection
– Land lease
– Purchase of land
– climate protection projects
( implementation, research, education (stipends e.g.)
– Projects for the protection of people in crisis
– Help for children in poverty situations
– sponsorships
– adoption support
– Children home (orphonage) support
Support for the sick, rehabilitation, medical grants
– Education in particular for young people with poor or disadvantaged
– Family planning projects / HIV prevention projects
Sustainability projects in the sense of obtaining structural cultural treasures (conservation of protection of historical buildings and monuments)
Stand 30.1.16 ref. P-stiftungssatzung P.doc.